Monday, August 28, 2006

Wild Engineering

Driving out to cow country through the Kicking Horse Canyon we came around one of the many sharp corners and were shocked to see some massive towers strung across the valley. Aperanty the steep and winding goat trail through the bottom of the canyon is going to be replaced by the high road. You really can't get an idea of the scope of this bridge to be from the picture, but it is impressive. Makes you wonder how many people are going to have their acrophobia triggered going across this thing when it is done! Our tax dollars at work...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


How can you tell we're living in a smaller community? Let me tell ya.

Aileen was reading the local paper, the Nanaimo News Bulletin, last week and noticed the birthday and anniversary section of the classifieds. It said that not only would the paper publish all names provided, but - and I quote - "1 LUCKY PERSON each week (picked by draw) will be awarded a complimentary Dinner for Two at SWISS CHALET, a complimentary 8" DAIRY QUEEN Ice Cream Cake, a gift from GROWER DIRECT and a Portrait from SEARS PORTRAIT STUDIO."

So Aileen saw that and couldn't resist, because today, August 13th is our 18th wedding anniversary. Daleena rolled her eyes and said "Your not REALLY gonna do THAT are you?" But if you know Aileen, you know that she DID do that. And whad'yu know... Thursday night we come home and have a phone message saying that WE HAD WON!


We picked up our marvelous prize package from the palatal offices of the Nanaimo News Bulletin, and if you want to come over for ice cream cake tonight, come and get it while it's, cold!

I guess we should 'a went out and got a ticket for the big 6-49 draw yesterday...we're on a roll! (Ah, for you religious people out there, the the 6-49 thing is a joke...)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reality Check for Churchaholics

I picked up this link from my buddy Paul. I don't really know Rob Petkau, but I think his story is worth hearing... Check it out here. Maybe we should start a 12 step program.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What you've been missing

Here a picture just to remind you what you are missing. AUGH! The attack of the boxes!!!
They said it wouldn't all fit in the truck, but we managed to get it all in. Barely. Kind of weird having all your earthly possessions in the back of a truck rolling down the highway with you.
The best part of moving is driving the truck!!! Only this trip, the drive was kind of short. BC Ferries did most the work.

Actually, driving the truck is the second best part. The best part of moving is hanging around with your kids!