If I correctly understand the intent of the question, the issue is this: science says the universe 15 billion years old, the is earth is 4.56 billion years old, and baby mammoths are 40,000 years old. The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. Can you believe both?
I have to admit I was initially uncomfortable with tackling this subject. I’m not a scientist or a philosopher, and I don’t want to look like an idiot. Also, the scope of the issue is overwhelming. But I think this is a very important question because it can be huge sticking point for people in their faith journey! If you are interested in science, you may wonder if being a Christian means checking your brain at the door. Are the beliefs of Christianity and science compatable? Secondly, if you’ve been raise in the church, evolution and dinosaurs can be the first real crisis or challenge to your faith. You went to Sunday School when you were a kid and heard the cool story about Adam and Eve and then you got to high school or university and suddenly you are overwhelmed with plethora of scientific information taught by some really smart people that at best calls into question everything that you’ve been taught and at worst threatens to destroy the very foundation of your faith.
I. What exactly is the issue?
There are many origin stories in the world, but in our western culture there are 2 main ideas about how we got here: evolution and creation. The creation story is based on Bible and found in Genesis. Genesis 1:1, the first verse of the Bible says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The creation story goes on to say that everything that exists was created by God in 6 days:
Day 1: light = vrs. 3-5
Day 2: sky = vrs. 6-8
Day 3: land / vegetation = vrs. 9-13
Day 4: sun / moon / stars = vrs. 14-19
Day 5: sea creatures / birds = vrs. 20-23
Day 6: animals / man = vrs. 24-30
That is the creation story. If you believe this, you are a creationist. If you believe that this happened in space of seven 24-hour days, you are a literal creationist. If you believe that the dates and genealogies found in Genesis and rest of Bible indicate that all this happened about 6000 years ago, then you are a “young earth” creationist
The other idea how we got here, is a theory called evolution. This is a big complex theory that is difficult to adequately and accurately summarize, but I’ll try.
About 5 billion years ago our was sun formed by the gravitational collapse of a huge cloud of gas and dust. The leftover gas / dust formed the planets. The planet we now call Earth cooled and eventually something very unique happened. The elements formed complex amino acids and proteins that eventually formed a very simple single-cell creature. This creature is simple only when compared to the complex organisms in the world today, but actually it was very complex!
Then over billions of years, this single cell, through mutation and natural selection evolved into the vast array of plant and animal life that we see around us today[3]. You and I – homo sapiens –are part of that process.
If you believe what I have just stated, you are an evolutionist. Another term is “scientific naturalist”
Now I want to be as straight up as possible with this, so if I have misconstrued or misinterpreted or put any spin on this that in any way distorts what science says, I apologize. I am trying to be as objective as I know how, but I have to state my bias – I’m a creationist!
So we have these two big ideas how the world began: Creation and evolution. There are issues with each. Naturalist evolution denies the existence of God, which is a problem if you are a Christian. The creation story seems to contradict modern science.
When you look at these ideas at face value, it is obvious that if one is right, the other is wrong. But what if things are not so clear cut? What if it’s not an either / or proposition? What if there is some truth in both ideas? What if God created, but used evolution as the process, and Genesis account is an allegory or a metaphor? Well, that’s already been thought of. It’s called theistic evolution. What if Genesis is true, but the literal 6 day interpretation is wrong and there is room for thousands or millions or even billions of years to be tucked into the story some where? That is called progressive creationism.
So it was my job to try and sort all this out and “reconcile the differences in historical dating in biblical and scientific timelines” as our original question asks. Pastor Les kept asking me “So…have you got it figured out?”
[1] from Canada.com, accessed July 16, 2007
[2] Williams and Hartnett; Dismantling the Big Bang, p.115
[3] Strobel, The Case for Faith; p.127