Saturday, August 30, 2008

Authentic Faith

One of the books I've been wading through this summer is Authentic Faith - the Power of A Fire-Tested Life by Gary L. Thomas. This is the best read I've had in a long time. Thomas basically asks "What if life isn't meant to be perfect but we are meant to trust the One who is?" Thomas doesn't pull any punches in dealing with issues like suffering, persecution, selflessness, and mourning. He has made me think about what following Jesus really means.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Logos Bible Software Blog

Okay, I'm bowing to shameless commercialism! Actually, it's just a great opportunity to grab Tyndale's new Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on Matthew and Mark. I've already got the hard copy of the Prison Epistles (Ephesians - Philemon) and it looks like a very helpful set - it uses the New Living Translation, which I love! And I don't mind giving Logos a plug - their Bible software is amazing! Check it out, here.