Monday, September 26, 2005

Welcome to My Neighborhood

This begins a new adventure for me. I don't expect much from this blog, except an interesting way to help me put some prespective on life.

My life could, at times, use a bit more perspective. It has been a bit of an adventure the past couple of years. I've stepped into a whole new way of living, and I have to admit that at times it's been a little confusing, overwhelming, and more than a bit scary.

I used to pay the rent by being a Pastor at a church. Now I work at a woodworking shop. We used to live in the suburbs. Now we live downtown. Life used to seem pretty logical and linear. Now the word 'abstract' has a whole new meaning. I used to get cranked up about saving the world... Okay, I still get cranked up about saving the world.

So join us on our adventure and maybe I'll tell you why we packed up ourselves and 2 girls and squeezed into a townhouse on the roof of a shopping mall in downtown Vancouver. It really doesn't make much sense to me, but maybe it doesn't have to.

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