Sunday, October 02, 2005


Daleena’s High School was doing a charity clothing drive this week so I dug into my closet and weeded out a bunch of stuff I haven’t worn in a long time. Discovered that the axiom "less is more" is very true: the less clothes you have in your closet, the more room you have!

We are heading to Edmonton, Alberta, for Thanksgiving next weekend, and we are going to fill up the van with a number of small but precious furniture items that we’ve decided we just don’t have room for in our townhouse. We’ve lived downtown for over a year, and we are still downsizing. (Thank God someone in the family has a big house and can store some stuff!)

We keep moving into smaller places and have had to be ruthless about what we keep. It seems like we’ve given away, sold, or junked more stuff than we’ve kept. An exaggeration to be sure, but we have found that it is incredibly freeing to get rid of stuff. Live light. If in doubt, throw it out! A mantra to live by.

A book I’m currently reading called Houses That Change the World has the same "less is more" theme. Simpson says most churches today are too big. In fact, he thinks that we are experiencing the cutting edge of a revolution that will radically transform the way future Christianity is practiced. Less buildings, less professionalism, less expenses, less crowds, more community, more mission, more life change, more impact. Hmmm. If this is real, sign me up…

1 comment:

Lee said...

Everytime we take a vacation I think of the old George Carlin bit about taking your "stuff" somewhere. First you have to figure out what stuff to take. Then you get to wherever, unpack, and decide to go to the beach. What stuff shall you take to the beach? etc. etc.

I'm convinced that stuff owns us - rather than the reverse.

Less IS more. More freedom!