Thursday, April 12, 2007

AIDS, Famine, and Me

Showed Bono's interview with Bill Hybels at Tehillah last Monday. Powerful stuff. He is a very articulate guy. His passion is the fight against global poverty, the AIDS pandemic, and the 3rd world debt crisis. No small potatoes. You can catch Bono's address to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington last year here. I knew he was buddies with Paul Martin and had been at a bunch of Liberal Party of Canada stuff, but the Prayer Breakfast thing was really my first exposure to Bono the activist, or more accurately, Bono the Preacher. He blew me away. His interview with Hybles is just as riveting, and has some great concert footage. If you get a chance to watch it, it's worth the time. (And people used to argue about whether Bono or U2 could really be thought of as 'saved'. God deliver us...)

Bottom line: Doing nothing is unacceptable. Every day 8000 people die from AIDS. Everyday 11,000 more get infected. By 2015, over 115 million will have died, and there will be 35 million orphans. Doing nothing is unacceptable. Check out Matthew 25:31-46.

So today the girls are doing the World Vision 30 Hour Famine. They are doing something. And between them they've raised over $750. I'm proud. But that can't be where it ends.

1 comment:

Boomer said...

Tell the girls I think they're awesome...