Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Standing the Church On It's Ear

There is a new public art exhibit in Vancouver. Created by Dennis Oppenheim, it is titled "Device To Root Out Evil". I guess it is quite controversial. After an exhibit in Europe, New York City and then Stanford University didn't want it (!) becuase it may be contentious. But it is welcome in Vancouver. (What does that say about our city?)

I don't know what other people will think of it, but as a church insider, I love it. To me it is a wonderful - if not prophetic - picture of what is happening within the church, especially the institutional church, the one represented by a building. I don't mean to dis the church; I am passionate about the Bride of Christ. I love the Church. It's just that I think would be good for church as we know it to be shook up a bit and stood on it's ear! I know some church people may feel it is disrespectful or another slam against Christianity, but perhaps those are the people that need to ponder this work of art and hear if God is saying something...

I'm not sure what the unchurched world will think. Is it art? Is it any good? Is it worth the $500,000 someone supposedly paid for it? But I've made up my mind. I think it's awesome. And the group of people that I was talking with seem to like it too.

What do you think? Post a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darc, I couldn't agree with you more. (Thanks for the great photos - very interesting and funny).

Us , the church needs to be turned on it's ear (quote) and because we love the "Bride of Christ" we want to see it MOVE faster for God! Yah!