Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New wine, or just old wine with a new name?

Just got back from District Conference, and along with all the great leadership moments with John (the corn feeds the cows and the cows feed the corn), it's always a good scene for connecting with good friends having some great conversations about life and ministry (thanks Stewart!).

And it stirred up some of my thinking about the contemporary church and culture.

I recently stumbled on something Alan Roxburgh wrote that articulates some of my nagging concerns with my own understanding of the issues, as well as the perspective a lot of pastors in our PAOC fellowship seem to express when I talk to them. He stated that while there is a lot of interest in church transformation, which is an indication of crisis and opportunity for churches, too often we as leaders still opt for techniques and programs that are simply baptized with missional language. We don’t understand the depth of culture change that is required with church systems.

Does the church need change? Not just change our language or swap the existing program or try the latest technique, but change the very culture of the church, the paradigm we have of ourselves and our mission?



You can catch the full thought by Alan Roxburgh here.

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