Tuesday, December 27, 2005

'Tis more blessed to give, but getting ain't that bad either

Guess I should itemize what Santa (sorry Wanda) snuck down the chimney this year. Not that I’m hooked on the commercialization of the holidays or anything. I know it’s all about Jesus and deep spiritual stuff, but I’m just tired of telling everybody what was under the tree at our house. So if you wanna know, don’t ask; here’s the list.

I hit a home run with the main gifts I gave – primarily pictures of my family to everyone. Can’t go wrong when your kids are that cute. Aileen got a Sonicare 7650 Elite electric toothbrush and oowed and awed. Twasn’t terribly romantic, but when you give something they really like, I’ve found romance follows anyways. This gift was a calculated risk as technically it falls in the forbidden appliance / power tool category. Normally I would never buy anything you have to plug in (i.e. irons, skillets, grills, mixers, beaters, etc. Cordless stuff also falls in the catagory.). But I was fairly confident she’d go for it as her sisters have been oowing and awing about their own powered tooth scrubbers for years now and she really like the clean teeth feeling after going to visit the dental hygienist. Seeing as she still has her own teeth, I thought it would go over big. I was right. She even let me try it out. Kind of tickles.

Among the annual traditions like new jammies, both girls got luggage from us. Not that we’re trying to get rid of them, at least not for more than a few weeks, but a couple of good, sturdy bags will come in handy for their various excursions back to the old country (Alberta) and other happy wanderings like Quebec or the Yukon. Look out Grandma, here they come!

I did really good on the getting end to. Daleena and Maryn got Aileen and I Settlers of Catan, the German board game Dustin has been raving about for years and Paul and Wanda have gotten us addicted to. This is not a cheap game so I commented to Daleena about the extravagance of their gift. She said “Do the math, Dad. This gift is from both Maryn and I to both Mom and you. I think we got off cheap! Besides, we really wanted it.” Point taken. (In fact, point taken into consideration for next year…) I’m just glad I figured out that the box under the tree with my name on it looked suspiciously like Settlers before I went out and bought if for the girls as was my original plan.

What else did I get…oh yeah, among other things, the traditional new pack of underwear, and a really plush new house coat from my wife. I think that was a hint that she was serious when she said that she really hated the comfy-cozy one that I’ve had for years. Maybe it does smell after all… Also a renewed subscription to Reader’s Digest from my Dad (the 17th year I’ve got that…) and the Diana Krall Christmas Songs CD from Pam – very good. (That was a really cool gift as I had gone to Best Buy to get it and looked all over for it and then was told that if Diana Krall had put out a Christmas CD that they would definitely have it because it would be very popular. Ha! They were sold out and didn’t even know it! Goes to show that it doesn’t always help to ask…) And wine glass charms from Daleena. Hmmm. What is she saying?

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