Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Hubbub

Well, new neighborhoods are an intersting learning curve. Take last night for instance - most neighbors really decked out thier houses in creepy spiderwebs, bats, and yellow police tape that said DANGER. Then starting about 6 PM we had over 125 kids come knocking on the door dressed up like Mr. Incredible and other assorted superheros and grusome characters. Even most of the accompanying adults were in costume - most of them pretty ridiculous! It was a zoo - literally. I even had to run out for more candy, but the stores were all sold out.

Then our girls got dragged out by some of thier school friends that showed up at the door. I thought they were getting kind of old for that kind of stuff, but when in Rome, do as the Romans. It was a great opportunity to build some relationships with some of thier school chums that live around here. And it's a good thing too becuase when we ran out of candy, we ended up giving away most of the loot they had hauled in! Call it healthy recycling.

So next year...we'll be more prepared. Expect a crowd. Welcome the neighborhood. Chat with the adults. Have fun. Cheer the fireworks. Redeem the night. Be missional in our own querky way.

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