Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nanaimo high school locked down due to threat

Well, here's another day in the life of our girls at thier school. It's like the second or third time this year. But I'm glad that the administration do take this stuff seriously, and I'm super-proud of friends like Dave who step in and make sure things are safe! Here's the story:

Nanaimo high school locked down due to threat
Police are searching for 13-year-old youth
Danielle Bell, Daily NewsPublished: Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Police locked down a Nanaimo high school this morning after a threat of violence toward the school.

Hundreds of students at Nanaimo District Secondary School were locked inside their classrooms after a teacher overheard an indirect threat of violence made by a 13-year-old boy.

Police investigators and school administrators determined the youth who made the threat is not inside the school, according to a statement released by Nanaimo RCMP spokesman Const. Gary O'Brien.

Officers with the Nanaimo Youth Response Team are inside the school assisting teachers and students while they investigate the incident. Police are working to locate and question the youth involved.

All exit doors are locked and movement in the school is restricted.

The lockdown came a day after the school sent home a letter notifying parents of a "worrisome graffiti message" scrawled inside the NDSS boy's bathroom. Both police and school officials continue to look into that incident, though neither will elaborate on the nature of the graffiti.

You can catch the rest of the story here.

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